Pilots without experience on Cirrus Aircraft will require comprehensive training on the systems and procedures to operate our aircraft safely and to its full capability. The CAPS Parachute system for example, is revolutionary in General Aviation, but needs training if it is to be used effectively in an emergency.

All training can usually be provided by our recommended instructors who we have worked with over the years, or if you already have a working relationship with a Cirrus Instructor you may be able to continue on our Aircraft. We recognise and recommend the “Cirrus Approach” standardised transition training and ongoing learning as a means to train for and maintain currency on the aircraft.

Insurers usually require a minimum of 250 hours SEP/MEP total time for such an aircraft, if you have previous experience on Cirrus this may be flexible, but will need to be discussed. We welcome pilots with instrument qualifications and the group offers a particularly good environment to experience this incredibly rewarding way of flying, but by no means excludes those who prefer to fly under VFR.
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